222 -shirts. 2 days. 1 fire extinguisher. In the video "T-SHIRT WAR!!", YouTubers Rhett and Link created a stop motion video using t-shirts. The images on the t-shirts in the video quite literally come to life, from balloons that inflate and pop with a pin prick to a match that strikes on Rhett's shirt and bursts into flames on Link's shirt before being put out using a fire extinguisher (from Rhett's shirt to real life). At the end of the video, a link directs viewers to the T-Shirt War Store where shirts worn in the video (or replicas) can be purchased.
Rhett and link might be on to something here, especially if they are speaking to Millennials. Millennials are a brand-averse generation that is resistant to most conventional forms of marketing. Like Rhett and Link, Millennials are masters of customization and self-expression. Overrun with choice, suspicious and non-responsive to advertising, Millennials see brands as their own. Irreverent, ironic duds (http://www.bustedtees.com), user-created limited-edition shirts for the masses (The T-Shirt Ware Store), and simple, and ethically-produced pieces (American Apparel) speak louder for Millennials than any “branded” tee or top.
We see developments like this, in the t-shirt world and elsewhere, as part of a longer-term trajectory of cultural change which holds that consumers are increasingly brand-averse and skeptical to conventional forms of marketing. Conventional marketing as we know it must transform itself—perhaps quite radically—if it wishes to prove effective in the years to come.
wow it looks as fabulous as I expected it too....looking forward to adding it to my collection!
Posted by: wholesale mens clothing | Monday, March 01, 2010 at 08:31 PM
That was cool simple yet artistic design
Posted by: crocodile shoes | Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 11:47 PM